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Please listen to this message for important details about our protocol and to be fully prepared for your enrollment call.

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We look forward to speaking with you.

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In This FREE Call, We Will:

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NeuroMed Success Stories

Clinical Summary for Garret B. 

  • Background: Severe tinnitus from noise-induced trauma, negatively impacting sleep, work, and social life; hyperacusis and heightened limbic reactivity.
  • Initial Assessment: Severe TFI score; tinnitus loudness and tinnitus-related anxiety dominated daily life.
  • Treatment Outcomes: NeuroMed’s protocol led to:
    • TFI improvement from severe to mild
    • Reduced tinnitus loudness and limbic reactivity
    • Improved sleep, mental clarity, emotional stability, and reduced hyperacusis

Clinical Summary for Matilda L.

  • Background: 12-year progression of severe tinnitus, with hyperacusis and tinnitus-related anxiety.
  • Initial Assessment: THI score of catastrophic with daily life significantly impacted; atypical migraine features and heightened limbic response.
  • Treatment Outcomes: NeuroMed’s protocol led to:
    • THI improvement from catastrophic to minimal
    • Reduced anxiety, improved sleep, and decreased sound sensitivity
    • High patient satisfaction and enhanced quality of life
Not convinced our treatment is for you?

This Free Enrollment Call is for tinnitus sufferers who:

Have tried multiple “treatments” that haven’t worked
Have been told that nothing can be done for their tinnitus
Are ready to make some life changes to find relief
Want to know more about cutting-edge tinnitus treatment


Questions? Answers.

We are proud to announce that our success rate is 85-90% in reducing the volume of tinnitus and resolving or nearly resolving the “bad” tinnitus days.

If you’re here, you’ve likely learned the hard way that there is no “quick fix” for tinnitus. Our program is based on advanced neuroscience designed to change the neural networks in your brain. The simple fact is that this takes time to achieve. That being said, our program does “cure” tinnitus in the sense that you will find relief and get back to the good life. Our goal is to eliminate or significantly reduce the bad (loud) tinnitus and reach a place where if someone asks if you have tinnitus, you would have to think about it and listen for it to hear it and otherwise, it wouldn’t be noticeable during the day.

Our program is the most comprehensive approach to treating tinnitus available. After 20 years of tinnitus research, Dr. Djalilian has discovered the reason tinnitus becomes loud and bothersome in people. Treating the process that causes the tinnitus to become loud and bothersome leads to significant improvement of the tinnitus to a point where it is not noticeable during the day. This requires addressing the multitude of triggers for tinnitus, using nutraceuticals and medications when needed, and using internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy and sound therapy.

Yes! Our success rates prove that we can help tinnitus patients based on clinical results of the thousands of patients who have seen Dr. Djalilian at his academic practice center.

No! There has been tremendous progress in research on tinnitus in the last few years. We now understand that tinnitus becomes loud and bothersome due to processes in the brain. Dr. Djalilian has identified those causes and has been successfully treating tinnitus with this new treatment regimen. From the time a new treatment is discovered until it is practiced by 50% of physicians, it takes 17 years on average. Fortunately, you are finding out about this in the early stages. Dr. Djalilian is lecturing worldwide on the treatment of tinnitus and is writing a book on this novel treatment regimen.

We currently operate in 19 states and are expanding rapidly to cover all 50 states in the nation.